Member Spotlight: Jenn Bouchard
February 3, 2025

Why is writing important to you and why do you think it’s an important medium for the world? Writing came into my life at a time when I really needed a creative outlet. My kids were young, and I had just finished a major volunteer role. I was—and still am—a full-time high school social studies teacher, but I wanted something else just for me. I started writing a novel on a whim. It took me 2.5 years just to write a first draft! Since that time, it has been a way for me to connect with so many new people: readers, other writers, booksellers, librarians, book enthusiasts… Finding community has been an unexpected benefit of writing fiction. Reading other people’s work expands our minds and gives us another art medium to appreciate. I think it helps us to better understand each other, too.
What are your tried and tested remedies to cure writer’s block? When I truly can’t write anything, I need to immerse myself in a situation where I can observe others. That might mean spending time in a public place, watching a movie or TV show, or listening to the lyrics of music. Often, something will strike me, and I’ll get at least one idea. I need to write it down right away so it doesn’t escape me! Usually, this will lead to a scene in a story.
What is your favorite time to write? I can’t write late at night; I wish I could! I’m way too tired. I teach high school every weekday, so finding time can be a challenge. I do a ton of writing during the summer when I’m not working. During the school year, I squeeze in time during the evenings when I can, and I write for a few hours (at least!) every weekend.
What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever received and would like to impart to other writers? I love going to hear inspiring author talks, and I often jot down things that they say so I can look back on them later. Author Angie Kim said, “Don’t let the best thing in your life become the worst thing,” and I think of that often when I have a publishing-related disappointment. I allow myself to be upset for a bit, and then I move forward with something else. Author Elin Hilderbrand said, “Consistent is why I am here right now.” I love this, as I think I have developed an author brand that works for me. There is a book for every reader. We don’t all enjoy the same books, and that’s OK! And readers read more than one book. We can always support each other.
What excites you most about being a writer in today’s age? There are so many possibilities to connect with readers! I look at my growing events calendar, and just about everything is on there. I am appearing on podcasts, in website interviews, at bookstores, with book clubs, at artisan markets, through online group giveaways, at libraries, and on Instagram live events with other writers. It’s so much fun to find our readership in these new and varied ways.
Jenn Bouchard’s Considering Us is out February 6 with Black Rose Writing.