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Member Spotlight: George Henry Beauregard

author George Henry Beauregard and his book Reservations for Nine

Why is writing important to you and why do you think it’s an important medium for the world? For me, writing is how I express myself best. Writing serves as a lasting archive of thoughts, feelings, experiences, and achievements. It can be an outlet for creativity and imagination. The knowledge sharing it provides bridges distances and occurs over generations, ensuring that science, history, entertainment, and culture are documented and accessible to future readers. Throughout history, writing has served as a powerful tool for advances, advocacy, contestation, inspiration, and change.

What are your tried and tested remedies to cure writer’s block? I have found that stepping back and taking a pause helps the most. However long the pause might be, I’ve been able to resume writing once my mind ends up in a better place to continue writing. Often, the pause helps me rethink what I’m trying to convey in my writing along with coming up with alternative ways of expressing it in words that might resonate more with readers.

What is your favorite time to write? Mostly because of my full-time work schedule, mid to late evenings and weekends have served me well.

What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever received and would like to impart to other writers? “Writing is all about rewriting” is by far the best piece of advice I’ve received from seasoned authors. Another helpful piece of advice was that sometimes it is necessary to occasionally distance yourself from your writing and assess it more as an impersonal thing to ensure a more objective evaluation of what you’re written.

What excites you most about being a writer in today’s age? Being a writer and now a published author, provides me an outlet and a forum to tell two very important stories, one involving the loss of a son to early-onset cancer (EOC) and the other being a way to raise awareness of the alarming global rise of EOCs. It’s gratifying that it might serve as an inspirational guide for people and their families affected by cancer and a public service.

George Henry Beauregard’s Reservations for Nine: A Doctor’s Family Confronts Cancer is out tomorrow with Manhattan Book Group.