Industry & Advocacy News
August 21, 2017
We have reached a moment of crisis. Most Americans, whatever their party, have lost confidence in the national government. Few can disagree any longer with Charles Blow, who writes in The New York Times this morning:
We are leaderless. America doesn’t have a president. America has a man in the White House holding the spot, and wreaking havoc as he waits for the day when a real president arrives to replace him.
The past week has seen a public resurgence of the darkest currents in the American psyche: white nationalism and neo-Nazism. Rather than condemn and repudiate these forces, the President has lent them encouragement. He has used his office to legitimize an extreme and violent fringe. He does not appear to read history, but the rest of us must.
Many of our members—authors, scholars, historians—have been heard this week. There is more to come, but meanwhile we want to highlight a few:
“American ideals have always clashed with harsh American realities,” says Gordon-Reed. Scholars are sometimes thought to enjoy the luxury of detachment, studying events after they have passed safely into history. We are reminded now that history is never safe and detachment becomes impossible.
James Gleick, Authors Guild President