Orphan Row: Now It’s Your Turn
September 15, 2011
Here’s the list, alphabetized by author, of HathiTrust’s “orphan work candidates.” It’s current as of yesterday. We’ve removed works by institutional authors, there were just a few, and shortened some book titles to fit this on a table. We’ve also noted three of the books that HathiTrust has recently (we think) pulled from the candidates’ list.
One of the books now off Orphan Row is “The Communist World and Ours,” by Walter Lippmann. Lippmann is probably the most famous American author with a work on the initial list, and we hadn’t tried (beyond rudimentary measures) to chase his estate down. It appears someone noticed the name and did some research.
So have at it, Guild members and others. See which authors and estates you can find. Report results in comments, if you like, but be careful not to reveal private information.
The last column reports the scheduled date that the author’s literary property would be released, without permission, for downloading by hundreds of thousands of students in several states.
Ray Hamilton Abrams | Preachers Present Arms (1933) | Nov. 8 |
Franz Alexander | Psychoanalytic Therapy (1946) | Nov. 8 |
James MacGregor Apple | Plant Layout and Materials Handling (1963) | Nov. 8 |
Francesco conte Arese | A Trip to the Prairies and in the Interior of North America (1934) | Nov. 8 |
James Mark Baldwin | Between Two Wars, 1861-1921, (1926) | Oct. 13 |
Albert Bandura | Adolescent Aggression (1959) | Nov. 8 |
Dominick A. Barbara | Stuttering (1954) | Nov. 8 |
César Barja | Literatura española (1933) | Nov. 8 |
Richard Hindry Barker | Marcel Proust, a Biography (1958) | Nov. 8 |
Allan Louis Benson | The Story of Geology (1931) | Oct. 13 |
Cyril Bibby | How Life is Handed On (1947) | Nov. 8 |
Verla Leone Birrell | The Book of Mormon Guide Book (1948) | Nov. 30 |
Glenn A. Bishop | Chicago’s Accomplishments and Leaders (1932) | Nov. 8 |
Joseph Blakey | Engineering Mathematics (1960) | Nov. 8 |
Fon W. Boardman | Roads (1958) | Nov. 8 |
Theodore Bolton | Early American Portrait Draughtsmen in Crayons (1923) | Nov. 8 |
William Edgar Borah | American Problems (1924) | Nov. 8 |
James Lane Boswell | The Economics of Simon Nelson Patten (1933) | Nov. 8 |
Herbert Lloyd Bowman | The Relation of Reported Preference to Performance… (1929) | Nov. 8 |
Erick D Brand | Band Instrument Repairing Manual (1946) | Nov. 30 |
Francis Burke Brandt | Advanced Thinking in American Education (1935) | Nov. 8 |
Axel Brett | A Critical Approach to an Esthetic Theory (1926) | Nov. 8 |
Robert Browning | Letters of Robert Browning (1933) | Nov. 8 |
William Frank Bryan | Sources and Analogues of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (1958) | Nov. 8 |
Winfred Octavus Bryson | Negro Life Insurance Companies (1948) | Nov. 8 |
Dana Burnet | Four Walls (1928) | Nov. 8 |
James Branch Cabell | The High Place (1923) | Pulled |
Genevieve A. B. Callahan | The California Cook Book (1946) | Nov. 30 |
Roderick William Cameron | Shadows from India (1958) | Nov. 8 |
Anne Campbell | Back Home (1926) | Oct. 13 |
Seraphim George Canoutas | Christopher Columbus, A Greek Nobleman (1943) | Nov. 8 |
Waddill Catchings | Money, Men, and Machines (1958) | Nov. 8 |
Raymond Lippincott Chambers | Changes in Achievement (1931) | Nov. 8 |
Siegfriend von Ciriacy-Wantrup | International Cooperation on Conservation Policy (1945) | Nov. 8 |
Ronald Clarkson | Tablet Coating (1951) | Nov. 8 |
Charles Monroe Coffin | John Donne and the New Philosophy (1958) | Nov. 30 |
William Henry Coleman | A Critique of Spelling Vocabulary Investigation (1931) | Nov. 8 |
Ira Judson Condit | The Fig (1947) | Nov. 8 |
Nelson Coon | Using Wayside Plants (1958) | Nov. 8 |
Frederick C. Copleston | A History of Philosophy (1950) | Nov. 8 |
James Gould Cozzens | Confusion (1924) | Oct. 13 |
John Frank Dame | Naturalism in Education (1938) | Nov. 8 |
Eugene De Lopatecki | Typographer’s Desk Manual (1949) | Nov. 8 |
Milo Grange Denlinger | Grooming and Showing Instructions (1947) | Nov. 30 |
Harold Corbin Downes | Indicator Studies of Acids and Bases (1932) | Nov. 8 |
Simon Dubnow | An Outline of Jewish History (1925) | Nov. 8 |
Maurice Dumesnil | How to Play and Teach Debussy (1932) | Nov. 8 |
John Riley Dungee | Random Rhymes (1929) | Oct. 13 |
John Durant | Pictorial History of American Ships (1953) | Oct. 13 |
Cynthia Eaton | John Taylor Arms, Aquatinter (1923) | Oct. 13 |
Donald Drew Egbert | The Tickhill Psalter (1932) | Nov. 8 |
Ridsdale Ellis | Patent Claims (1949) | Nov. 30 |
Il’i.a. Erenburg | The Stormy Life of Lasik Roitschwantz (1960) | Oct. 13 |
Eleanor Farjeon | Portrait of a Family (1936) | Nov. 8 |
Carroll Lane Fenton | Prehistoric world (1954) | Nov. 8 |
William Benjamin Fite | Lectures at the Galois Institute of Mathematics (1930) | Nov. 8 |
James Augustine Fitzgerald | Methods and Curricula in Elementary Education (1955) | Nov. 8 |
Denna Frank Fleming | The United States and the League of Nations (1932) | Nov. 8 |
Milford Flood | Artic Journal, and Other Works (1950) | Oct. 13 |
Richard Fondiller | Elston (1924) | Nov. 8 |
Richard Allen Foster | The School in American Literature (1930) | Nov. 8 |
W. Nelson Francis | The Structure of American English (1958) | Nov. 30 |
Philipp Frank | Die Differential (1943) | Nov. 8 |
Stanislao Gallo | The Modern Band (1935) | Nov. 8 |
Richard Gerstell | How to Survive an Atomic Bomb (1950) | Nov. 8 |
Charles Nelson Glaab | The American City (1963) | Nov. 8 |
James Glasgow | Muskegon, Michigan (1939) | Nov. 8 |
Eugene Lodewick Grant | Principles of Engineering Economy (1950) | Nov. 8 |
Franz Grillparzer | King Ottocar, His Rise and Fall (1938) | Nov. 8 |
John Alexander Hammerton | Wonders of the Past (1952) | Oct. 13 |
William Morehouse Harlow | Fruit Key to Northeastern Trees (1947) | Nov. 8 |
Francis Stuart Harmon | The Command is Forward (1944) | Nov. 8 |
Hornell Norris Hart | Personality and the Family (1941) | Nov. 8 |
Charles E. Hendrix | The Cave Book (1950) | Nov. 8 |
Paul Honoré | Color Light and Vision (1938) | Nov. 8 |
Sidney Hook | American Philosophers at Work (1956) | Oct. 13 |
John S. Hooper | Poetry in the New Curriculum (1932) | Oct. 13 |
Charles F. Horne | Source Records of the Great War (1923) | Oct. 13 |
John Tasker Howard | Stephen Foster, America’s Troubadour (1939) | Nov. 30 |
Omar Khayyam | The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (1942) | Nov. 30 |
J. Kirschbaum | Flikh_linge un heldn (1940) | Nov. 8 |
Joseph Kittredge | The Interrelations of Habitat… (1938) | Nov. 8 |
Elizabeth P. Lam | The Place of Marx in Christian Thought (1939) | Nov. 8 |
George Mamishisho Lamsa | New Testament Commentary… (1945) | Nov. 8 |
Mildred M. Landis | Meaningful Art Education (1951) | Nov. 8 |
Harry Langman | Play Mathematics (1962) | Oct. 13 |
Ruth Webb Lee | Antique Fakes and Reproductions (1938) | Nov. 8 |
Robert Stell Lemmon | The Best Loved Trees of America (1952) | Nov. 30 |
Gaston Leroux | The Octopus of Paris (1927) | Pulled |
Jacob Lestschinsky | Dos so.e.ishe Idn.um (1941) | Nov. 8 |
Lloyd Lewis | Myths After Lincoln (1941) | Nov. 8 |
James J. Lingane | Innovations in Electroanalytical Chemistry (1953) | Nov. 8 |
Walter Lippmann | The Communist World and Ours (1959) | Pulled |
Max Loehr | Buddhist Thought and Imagery (1961) | Nov. 8 |
Robert Lohan | Speaking and Speeches (1947) | Nov. 8 |
Sándor Lorand | Technique of Psychoanalytic Therapy (1946) | Nov. 8 |
Irving Lorge | Psychology of Adults (1963) | Nov. 8 |
Andrew Nelson Lytle | Bedford Forrest and his Critter Company (1931) | Nov. 8 |
Douglas Malloch | The Heart Content, “Lyrics of Life” (1927) | Nov. 30 |
Gladys Malvern | Good Troupers all: The Story of Joseph Jefferson (1945) | Oct. 13 |
Thomas Clifford Mann | Over their Dead Bodies (1962) | Oct. 13 |
Jacques Maritain | Liturgy and Contemplation (1960) | Nov. 8 |
Agnes Lewis Marsh | The Dance in Education (1924) | Nov. 8 |
Charles David Mattern | Personal Freedom Within the Third Antinomy (1941) | Nov. 8 |
Claude Searcy McIver | William Somerset Maugham (1936) | Nov. 8 |
Vernon McKenzie | Behind the Headlines (1931) | Oct. 13 |
Marie A Mehl | Teaching in Elementary School (1950) | Oct. 13 |
Ivan Mikha_lov | Stalin and the Macedonian Question (1948) | Nov. 8 |
André Missenard | In Search of Our Man (1957) | Nov. 8 |
Russell Franklin Moore | Readings in Oriental Philosophies (1951) | Nov. 8 |
William Henry Morton | Everyday Problems of the Elementary School Teacher (1930) | Nov. 8 |
Archibald Jamieson Nichol | Partial Monopoly and Price Leadership (1930) | Nov. 8 |
Kathryn Alling Ordman | What People Say (1955) | Nov. 30 |
Victor Wilfred Pagé | Modern Aviation Engines (1929) | Nov. 8 |
Nettie Wolcott Park | Mehitabel (1946) | Nov. 30 |
John Park | Afwillite (1925) | Nov. 8 |
Richard Pattee | The Case of Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac (1953) | Nov. 8 |
Edmund Lester Pearson | More Studies in Murder (1936) | Nov. 8 |
L. A. Pennington | An Introduction to Clinical Psychology (1954) | Nov. 8 |
Alvah Peterson | Larvae of Insects (1948) | Nov. 30 |
José Pijoán | An Outline History of Art (1938) | Oct. 13 |
Fletcher Pratt | Stanton, Lincoln’s Secretary of War (1953) | Nov. 8 |
John Clagett Proctor | Washington, Past and Present (1930) | Nov. 8 |
John Quinn | John Quinn, 1870-1925 (1926) | Nov. 8 |
Francis X. Quinn | The Ethical Aftermath of Automation (1962) | Nov. 8 |
Frank Prentice Rand | Doctor Ben of Butter Hill (1923) | Oct. 13 |
Cecil B. Read | Articles on the History of Mathematics (1952) | Nov. 8 |
Constance Rinehart | Autographed Copy (1951) | Nov. 8 |
E. R. Root | Lecture on Bees (1925) | Oct. 13 |
Arthur J. Roth | The Shame of Our Wounds (1961) | Nov. 8 |
Charles Ferdinand Rudmann | The Oxidation of Methane (1929) | Nov. 8 |
J. R. Salamanca | The Lost Country (1958) | Nov. 8 |
William Sansom | South, Aspects and Images from Corsica, Italy… (1950) | Nov. 8 |
John Henry Schaffner | Field Manual of the Flora of Ohio and Adjacent Territory (1928) | Nov. 30 |
Elizabeth Hough Sechrist | Heigh-ho for Halloween! (1948) | Nov. 8 |
Wilbur Spencer Sheriff | Religion and Ethics (1933) | Nov. 8 |
Hardy Lomax Shirley | The Influence of Light Intensity and Light Quality… (1929) | Nov. 8 |
Osvald Sirén | Chinese Paintings (1956) | Nov. 8 |
Eugene Hulse Sloane | Robert Gould (1940) | Nov. 8 |
Henry Justin Smith | It’s the Way It’s Written (1923) | Nov. 8 |
Phebe Estelle Spalding | Through Nature to Eternity, A Shakespearean Meditation (1933) | Oct. 13 |
Tirupasoor Venkata Subba Rao | Studies in Indian Music (1962) | Nov. 30 |
Elmer George Suhr | Venus de Milo, the Spinner (1958) | Oct. 13 |
Samuel Aaron Tannenbaum | Ben Jonson (1938) | Nov. 30 |
Burton Wakeman Taylor | Status Mobility (1936) | Nov. 8 |
Paul W. Thompson | Modern Battle (1941) | Nov. 30 |
Ye_iel Yeshaia Trunk | Zikhroynes un bilder (1944) | Nov. 8 |
Roger Rilus Walterhouse | Bret Harte, Joaquin Miller, and the Western… (1939) | Nov. 8 |
Harvey Weiss | Pencil, Pen and Brush (1961) | Nov. 30 |
Harry B. Weiss | American Letter-Writers, 1698-1943, (1945) | Nov. 8 |
Elva Williams | Night in A Rented Room (1939) | Oct. 13 |
Helen Van Pelt Wilson | Perennials for Every Garden (1953) | Oct. 13 |
Hugh Bernard Wood | Foundations of Curriculum Planning and Development (1960) | Nov. 8 |
Robert M. Zingg | A Reconstruction of Uto-Aztekan History (1937) | Nov. 8 |