Webinars to Help Authors During COVID-19
April 9, 2020

To help with some of your most immediate concerns, the Authors Guild is hosting live webinars on topics of particular interest in these times. Please join us for discussions on financial relief, virtual marketing, and more.
Black Voices: Pushing for Change in Children’s Book Publishing
June 22, 1:00 p.m. ET
From agenting to editing, from sales to marketing, less than five percent of publishing professionals are Black, according to the results of the most recent Lee & Low diversity graphic on Black representation in the publishing industry. How does institutional exclusion and racism impact the success of books by Black authors and the trajectory of Black creators? In this panel, industry experts offer insights, share experiences and concerns, and suggest ways to create change.
Registration is required. Space is limited.
Revising for Agents & Editors
Whether you’re gearing up for the agent query process or submitting directly to an editor, author Courtney Maum will help you gauge when your project is ready for a gatekeeper’s eyes. Courtney will share tips on identifying “low-calorie language,” making sure your middle doesn’t drag, verifying that you have a plot (or at the very least, some heavy conflict), and also writing query letters that will win an agent’s reply. This class will address both craft and business elements of publishing to better prepare aspiring authors for the current publishing landscape.
Password required to view recording. Authors Guild members log into your account and visit the Seminar Recordings page (All About Agents & Editors section) to access the recording of this webinar.
Book Club Strategies for Authors
Join author Amy Stewart for a conversation about working with both online and in-person book clubs. Amy is the author of six nonfiction books and six novels, and she has held more than 250 book club chats over Skype. In this webinar, we’ll talk about outreach strategies, working with publishers on investing in book club promotion, and ways for authors to manage book club requests.
Create Your Own Book Video – Q&A
Author Amy Stewart is offering a free online class about creating your own book videos. Watch that class now on YouTube and then watch our Q&A session as Amy answersquestions about the class. As Amy says, “the technology is so easy that anyone with an iPad or other tablet or smartphone can shoot a high-quality video, add photos or video footage, make simple edits, and publish to online platforms.”
Coronavirus Relief Programs for Authors and Freelancers
A discussion of how authors and freelancers can benefit from the government relief programs for economic assistance during the coronavirus crisis. We will cover qualification criteria for unemployment compensation (including those for independent contractors), loan terms, and information to help you navigate the process.
Participants: Mary Rasenberger (Executive Director, the Authors Guild), Umair Kazi (Director of Policy & Advocacy, the Authors Guild), and Robert Pesce (Partner, Marcum LLP)
Recording coming soon
Using Zoom for Virtual Book Tours
Some of you have expressed interest in using the video platform Zoom to create virtual book talks and other videos, so we recently created a webinar, How to Use Zoom. Zoom is software for teleconferencing and webinars, and it can be used to record or broadcast live virtual book events. Stay tuned for additional videos on using Facebook Live and Instagram TV. We encourage members to discuss their ideas and ask questions in the Community.