Tell Internet Archive to Remove Your Books from the So-Called National Emergency Library
March 31, 2020

Our statement against Internet Archive’s “National Emergency Library” received overwhelming support. The Guild has advised members of Congress, sent a letter to Internet Archive, alerted the press, and is conducting a takedown campaign.
Many of you asked what you can do. You can start by sending the owners of Internet Archive a strong, collective message that displaying and distributing full-text copies of copyrighted books to the entire world without authorization is not OK. It is a flagrant violation of copyright law. It is piracy, pure and simple. There are already plenty of legitimate places for students and others to read ebooks for free—namely through their local and school libraries. And most bookstores are still open for business online.
Below you’ll find instructions for sending Internet Archive a cease and desist letter as well as a template letter.
Note that the listing for your book may also show that there is a “DAISY” copy available. DAISY copies are specifically designed (and protected) copies for the print disabled and are potentially fair use. Those are different from the e-lending copies available to the public and, from what we understand, are not likely to materially interfere with the market for the book.
1. Check and see if copies of your books are available for e-lending and download without authorization.
2. If you want your book taken down from Internet Archive, and you normally request takedowns through your publisher, you should contact the publisher and provide them with the information through your normal channels.
3. If you send takedown notices yourself, you may send a notice directly to Internet Archive. The address to email a takedown request to is
Their copyright policy can be found at
The takedown notice should include all of the following information and be addressed to Please ensure that all information provided is accurate.
1**. An exact description of where the material about which you complain is located within the Internet Archive collections;
2**. Your address, telephone number, and email address;
3**. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
4**. A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the owner of the copyright interest involved or are authorized to act on behalf of that owner; and
5**. Your electronic or physical signature.
Dear Internet Archive,
I am the author of the book(s) noted below. It has come to my attention that, without permission from either me or my publisher, *[insert name]*, you are making my book(s) available to read and/or download on your website, Please remove my book(s) from the National Emergency Library website, Open, Internet Archive, and any other website(s) owned or controlled by you.
My book(s) is/are entitled: *[list all books made available for reading on or downloading from either site without permission].*
They are located at the following URLs on your site: *[provide URL for each book].*
My contact information is: *[insert address, telephone number, and email address].*
I attest under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that Internet Archive’s use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and further that the information in this notification is accurate, and that I am the copyright owner.
Electronic signature: *[provide e-signature or type name]*