Member Spotlight: Lorraine Cover
October 24, 2023

Why is writing important to you and why do you think it’s an important medium for the world? Writing is an outlet for me to create, and transform the thoughts in my head into a story that another person can relate to. If that story helps someone laugh, cry, or realize they, too, can overcome what the characters do, that is a major win for us both.
What are your tried and tested remedies to cure writer’s block? Without a doubt, a car ride with the windows down, music blaring. I have different playlists for each thing I am writing, so being alone in a car with that music puts me inside my writing and allows me to see things from a different perspective.
What is your favorite time to write? I am at my most creative when the house is quiet, and there are no distractions. I can get lost for quite a while!
What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever received and would like to impart to other writers? You can’t call yourself a writer if you don’t write. Whether it’s as little as ten minutes a day, one sentence—whatever—you have to write every day.
What excites you most about being a writer in today’s age? Being able to reach readers from all around the world connects us like never before.
Lorraine Cover’s Life After Love is out now with Woodhall Press.