Learn about the benefits of joining America's oldest and largest community of writers.

Why Join the Authors Guild?
Know your rights as a working author
We’ll review your publishing contracts line-by-line and advise you on other legal issues.
Support our fight for those rights
Your membership helps us protect free speech, honor copyright, and ensure fair compensation practices in the changing publishing landscape.
Build community with your fellow writers
Our online forum and our regional chapters enable you to tap in to the collective knowledge of our 15,000-strong membership.
Member Benefits

Legal Services
Navigate the legal aspects of writing with the help of our experienced lawyers, including contract reviews, copyright questions, dispute intervention, and more.

Web Services
Manage your online presence with our web services for members, including our exclusive website-building software.

Insurance and Discounts
Get help with Marketplace coverage, find liability insurance, and save with discounted products and services to support you and your writing business.

Writers Community
Meet fellow members and discuss the business of writing in our online forum.

Regional Chapters
Get involved and find the support of a local writing community in your area.

Educational Events
Learn the business and legal side of writing with our recorded webinars and panels.
Membership Levels
Regular Membership
- Traditionally published authors, translators, and illustrators with at least 1 published book in the U.S.
- Self-published authors who have made at least $5,000 in the past 18 months from their writing
- Freelance writers who have published 3+ pieces or made $5,000 in the past 18 months
- Full voting rights in Guild elections
- Contract reviews
- Publishing industry updates and advice
- Legal advice and forms
- Marketing and social media advice
- Website building and hosting
- Access to members-only workshops, seminars and events
- Print and digital subscription to the Authors Guild Bulletin, our biannual publication of publishing and legislative news
- Listing in our member profiles
- Exclusive discounts on services and goods designed to help you with your writing business.
$149/year (or $13.50/month*)
Associate Membership
- Writers, translators, and illustrators who have received a contract offer from a traditional U.S. publisher or an offer of representation from a U.S. literary agent
- Self-published authors or freelance writers who have made at least $500 in the past 18 months from their writing.
- Contract reviews
- Publishing industry updates and advice
- Legal advice and forms
- Marketing and social media advice
- Website building and hosting
- Access to members-only workshops, seminars and events
- Print and digital subscription to the Authors Guild Bulletin, our biannual publication of publishing and legislative news
- Listing in our member profiles
- Exclusive discounts on services and goods designed to help you with your writing business.
$149/year (or $13.50/month*)
At-Large Membership
- Established literary agents and editors
- Heirs, executors or trustees of the estates of deceased authors
- Attorneys and accountants representing authors
- Publicists or other publishing professionals.
- Publishing industry updates and advice
- Legal advice
- Website building and hosting
- Access to member-only workshops, seminars and events
- Print and digital subscription to the Authors Guild Bulletin
- Listing in our member profiles
- Exclusive discounts on car rentals, publications, and more.
$149/year (or $13.50/month*)
Emerging Writer Membership
- Dedicated writers who are actively seeking to publish their work, but have not yet published a book or do not meet the income thresholds for professional membership
- Publishing industry updates and advice
- Marketing and social media advice
- Website building and hosting
- Access to members-only workshops, seminars, and events
- Digital access to the Authors Guild Bulletin
- Listing in our member profiles
- Exclusive discounts on services and goods designed to help you with your writing business
This category does not include legal help at this time.
$100/year (or $9/month*)
Student Membership
- College and graduate students interested in pursuing writing professionally in the future
- Publishing industry updates and advice
- Marketing and social media advice
- Access to members-only workshops, seminars, and events
- Digital access to the Authors Guild Bulletin
- Listing in our member profiles
- Exclusive discounts on services and goods designed to help you with your writing business, as well as discounts on car rentals
This category does not include legal help or web services at this time.
*Monthly plans require an annual commitment.