Industry & Advocacy News
June 7, 2019
This week, translator Ana Flecha was ridiculed on Twitter by the president of the Malpaso publishing house in Spain, after Flecha publicized the fact that Malpaso is refusing to pay her for two translations and a reader’s report for which she invoiced the company in 2017. The Authors Guild and the Authors Guild Translators Group join the Spanish literary translators’ association ACE Traductores in calling on Malpaso to pay Flecha—and all other translators the company owes money—without further delay, and we condemn the attacks on Flecha by Malpaso president Bernardo Dominguez. The Authors Guild stands in solidarity with all writers who are not paid in a timely manner, or at all, and assists its members in getting paid. The Authors Guild condemns the practice, by any publisher, of failing to pay translators and other writers per the terms of their contracts. It is illegal and wrong.The Authors Guild Translators Group was formed in 2019 to strengthen support for translators as part of the Guild’s mission of advocating for free speech, fair contracts, and copyright for all writers in the United States.