Orphan Row Update: Another Living Author, Two Books in Print, Literary Estates Held by Charities, Etc.
September 16, 2011
Thank you, everyone, for posting comments and sending e-mails with information on the HathiTrust “Orphan Works Candidates.” We’ve compiled a lot (but not all) of it. Here’s what we can tell you about authors of some of the books that HathiTrust is scheduled to release for downloading by hundreds of thousands of students.
The information is as accurate as we can make it at the moment, but we’ll be working to confirm all of this shortly. Please let us know if you see any errors, and continue to pitch in. The simplest way to do it is to leave comments on The Orphan Row List.
Living authors:
Albert Bandura
Adolescent Aggression (1959)
Status: Author found!
Author alive and located; he is an emeritus professor at Stanford University.
Francis X. Quinn
The Ethical Aftermath of Automation (1962)
Status: Strong Lead
Francis X. Quinn was alive in 2009 and may be living in New Jersey.
J. R. Salamanca
The Lost Country (1958)
Status: Author found!
Professor emeritus at University of Maryland. Signed e-book deal in September 2011.
Morton Jerome Weiss
Reading in the Secondary Schools (1961)
Status: Author is alive
Mr. Weiss is a professor emeritus at New Jersey City University, which also houses the M. Jerry Weiss Center for Children’s and Young Adult Literature.
“Orphan book candidates” that are in print
Ray Hamilton Abrams
Preachers Present Arms (1933)
Status: In Print!
Book republished as a paperback in September 2009. ISBN: 978-1606089354
George Mamishisho Lamsa
New Testament Commentary… (1945)
Status: In print!
Revised paperback edition published in October 2004, with co-author Rocco A. Errico. ISBN: 978-0976008002
Literary rights left to charitable or educational institutions:
Frederick C. Copleston
A History of Philosophy (1950)
Status: Rightsholder Found!
Mr. Copleston’s literary estate is held by a Catholic charity in London.
James Gould Cozzens
Confusion (1924)
Status: Rightsholder Found!
Mr. Cozzens left his literary estate to Harvard, as noted in Copyright Office records and at Ransom Center’s WATCH list.
Gladys Malvern
Good Troupers all: The Story of Joseph Jefferson (1945)
Status: Rightsholder found!
Ms. Malvern left her literary estate to the Authors League Fund.
Literary agent located:
Eleanor Farjeon
Portrait of a Family (1936)
Status: Literary agents found!
Literary agents located in US and UK (Thanks, E. Scribo and Valerie Scho Carey!)
Died in last ten years, with surviving spouse or children:
Dominick A. Barbara
Stuttering (1954)
Status: Strong Lead
Author died in 2002 in Boca Raton, FL, survived by wife and three children.
W. Nelson Francis
The Structure of American English (1958)
Status: Strong leads
Professor at Brown University, died in 2002, is survived by his wife and three children.
Charles Nelson Glaab
The American City (1963)
Status: Strong leads
Mr. Glaab, a professor of history at the University of Toledo, died in May 2009. He is survived by wife and daughter. Author has a book in print from the University Press of Kansas, “Kansas City and the Railroads: Community Policy in the Growth of a Regional Metropolis.”
André Missenard
In Search of Man (1957)
Status: Strong Lead
Mr. Missenard died in Paris last month at the age of 92.
Harvey Weiss
Pencil, Pen and Brush (1961)
Status: Strong leads
Mr. Weiss died in 2007. Appears to have children living in Connecticut.
Authors with Institutes, Fellowships, Centers or Collection in Their Names:
Siegfriend von Ciriacy-Wantrup
International Cooperation on Conservation Policy (1945)
Status: Weak Lead
Author made bequest to University of California-Berkeley, which probably has copy of his will in files. UC-Berkeley sponsors a fellowship in his name.
Simon Dubnow
An Outline of Jewish History (1925)
Status: Strong Leads
Murdered by Nazis in Riga in 1941. Leipzig University houses the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture (www.dubnow.de). Direct descendants live in California, Massachusetts, and New York (Thanks, Ira Stoll!)
Andrew Nelson Lytle
Bedford Forrest and his Critter Company (1931)
Status: Strong leads
Mr. Lytle was a professor at Sewanee (which annually bestows The Andrew Nelson Lytle Award) and editor of The Sewanee Review. Successor at The Sewanee Review located (Thanks, Daniel Hoffman!) and direct descendants located in Tennessee and Alabama (Thanks, F. Armstrong Green!)
Jacques Maritain
Liturgy and Contemplation (1960)
Status: Strong Lead
There is a Jacques Maritain Center at the University of Notre Dame (Thanks, Leonie Rosenstiel!)
John Quinn
John Quinn, 1870-1925 (1926)
Status: Strong Lead
Mr. Quinn’s papers reside at the New York Public Library in the John Quinn Memorial Collection.
Phebe Estelle Spalding
Through Nature to Eternity, A Shakespearean Meditation (1933)
Status: Strong Lead
Pomona College sponsors a professorship and lecture in Ms. Spalding’s name (Thanks, Elizabeth Wrenn!)
Robert M. Zingg
A Reconstruction of Uto-Aztekan History (1937)
Status: Strong Lead
The Laboratory of Anthropology in Santa Fe, NM, houses the Zingg Collection.
Author with a separate book in print:
Yeḥiel Yeshaia Trunk
Zikhroynes un bilder (1944)
Status: Strong Lead
An audiobook of Mr. Trunk’s memoirs was recently produced by the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, MA, in collaboration with the Jewish Public Library of Montreal.
Removed from Orphan Row by HathiTrust:
Walter Lippmann
The Communist World and Ours (1959)
Status: Presumed found
Recently removed from Orphan Row by HathiTrust.