Weekly Roundup: February 22, 2019
February 22, 2019

Our round-up of key news affecting authors. In this week’s edition: writers talk about their day jobs, a 12-year-old journalist is threatened with arrest, and more…
Historians Fight Back as TV Raids Their Research Treasures for Its Shows
The Guardian
“The Society of Authors says it has seen a rise in complaints from members about their work being used in TV shows without credit or payment.”
Dissident Artist Ai Weiwei Is Cut from Film; Producer Cites ‘Fear of China’
The New York Times
“‘When I found out, I was very angry,’ Mr. Ai said. ‘It was frustrating to see Western creators and institutions collaborating with Chinese censorship in such an obvious way.’”
Trump to Covington Teen Suing Washington Post: ‘Go Get Them’
The New York Post
“President Trump on Wednesday spurred on the Kentucky high school teen suing The Washington Post for $250 million over its reporting of a confrontation he was involved in on the National Mall, saying, ‘Go get them Nick.’”
An Arizona Cop Threatened to Arrest a 12-year-old Journalist. She Wasn’t Backing Down
The Washington Post
“She said Patterson told her, ‘I don’t want to hear about any of that freedom-of-the-press stuff’ and added that he would have her arrested and thrown in juvenile jail.”
Day Job
“Twelve authors discuss the years of the income-producing work they did to support their writing, from slicing soap in a luxury bath store to directing air strikes in Afghanistan.”