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Authors Guild Celebrates Regina Brooks’ Appointment as President of the American Association of Literary Agents

Blue Association of American Literary Agents logo on a white background

The Authors Guild congratulates Regina Brooks on her role as president of the American Association of Literary Agents (AALA). Brooks brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to her role as AALA President. As founder and president of Serendipity Literary Agency, the largest African-American-owned literary agency in the U.S., she has represented award-winning authors across various genres. Known for nurturing talent and creatively matching authors with market demands, Brooks’ leadership in organizations like Literary Agents of Change demonstrates her commitment to diversity and innovation in publishing. 

The AALA, an association for literary agents, provides members with educational resources and industry updates. Like the Authors Guild, it requires agents to adhere to a Canon of Ethics, ensuring high professional standards in client service. The Guild collaborates with AALA on issues affecting authors and agents, including contract education and joint legal actions, recently including an amicus brief in the Hachette v. Internet Archive case. We also partner with AALA’s nonprofit, Literary Agents of Change (LAOC), co-founded by Brooks. LAOC, an initiative of AALA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, aims to increase diversity in literary agency careers. Our joint webinars with LAOC connect members with agents from underrepresented groups, particularly people of color.

Recent discussions between Guild leadership, Brooks, and AALA General Counsel Jaime Wolf focused on expanding collaboration. A key area is addressing AI’s impact on publishing, with plans to jointly educate members on contractual considerations and industry developments related to AI technology.