All Contests, Grants, and Residencies
Contests, Grants, and Residencies

Calls for Submissions July 2017

Each month we curate a list of contests, fellowships, and other writing opportunities with approaching deadlines. Opportunities will be posted in the month prior to their deadlines, so that you have ample time to submit your work or applications (e.g. January 2017 Calls for Submissions is posted in December; all opportunities will have January deadlines).

If you would like a contest, grant, fellowship, residency, or workshop to be added to our next Submissions post, please contact us. Include a link to your submission guidelines and the information we include in all our listings: deadline, entry fee, and prize.

Nonfiction Contests

Richard J. Margolis Award
Eligibility: New journalists or essayists
Prize: $5,000 + one-month residency
Deadline: July 1, 2017

Poetry Contests

Barbara Mandigo Kelly Peace Poetry Awards
Eligibility: All writers
Prize: $1,000
Entry fee: $15
Deadline: July 1, 2017

Kingsley Tufts Award
Eligibility: Mid-career poets who have previously published books of poetry.
Prize: $100,000
Entry fee:
Deadline: July 1, 2017

Kate Tufts Discovery Award
Eligibility: Poets who have not been previously published
Prize: $10,000
Entry fee:
Deadline: July 1, 2017

Crab Orchard Series in Poetry First Book Award
Eligibility: Poets with 1 book of poetry
Prize: $2,500 + publication
Entry fee: $20
Deadline: July 8, 2017

Literal Latté Poetry Award
Eligibility: All poets
Prize: $1,000
Entry fee: $10 per set of up to 6 poems; $15 per set of 10 poems.
Deadline: July 15, 2017

Rattle Poetry Prize
Eligibility: U.S poets
Prize: $10,000
Entry fee: $20
Deadline: July 15, 2017

Omnidawn’s First/Second Book Poetry Contest
Eligibility: Poets who have never published a full-length book of poetry or who have only published one full-length book of poetry
Prize: $3,000
Entry fee: $27
Deadline: July 17, 2017

Multi-Genre Contests

Robert and Adele Schiff Prose and Poetry Awards
Eligibility: All writers
Prize: $1,000
Entry fee: $20
Deadline: July 15, 2017

Fairy Tale Review Awards in Poetry and Prose
Eligibility: All writers
Prize: $1,00
Entry fee: $10
Deadline: July 15, 2017

Louise Meriwether First Book Prize
Eligibility: First-time authors
Prize: $5,000 + publication with The Feminist Press
Deadline: July 31, 2017

Writing Fellowships & Residencies

Hedgebrook Writers in Residence Program
Eligibility: All writers
Prize: 2 – 6 week residency
Entry fee: $30
Deadline: July 25, 2017

Members, for more information on lit mag submissions, check out our how-to guides: Lit Mag Submissions 101 and Escape the Slush Pile

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Image credit: William Iven