Member Contributed Events
Saturday, April 13, 2024
10:00 am-1:00 pm Eastern
Looking for a publisher to call home for your manuscript? So many roads are overwhelming. I can help narrow the view along the journey.
Details In this course, I will share my successes and failures along the journey to find a home for my debut story collection, MONARCH.
I will share details that can only come with experience including, but not limited to, writing query letters (agents vs. presses), tracking submissions, the research process, fees, red flags, green flags, how to best navigate technology with productive, simple tools, and, perhaps most importantly, how to handle the emotional pressure of rejection after rejection. With this course, I intend to share experiences and methods that aren’t offered in traditional academic settings.
My hope is to engage in an honest, forthcoming dialogue about the pressures and joys of the small press publishing experience itself.
What you will learn In this class, students will: • leave with a query letter template to be used for publishers and/or agents • be familiar with the top online resources for getting your work published • learn the foundations of how small press publishing works along with pro’s and con’s • gain a clearer vision of which publishers might work best for your projects at hand • knowledge of the industry and an empowered sense of community that might be previously untapped
Workshop takeaways • a PDF of the class materials with live links to all online resources offered • query letter templates geared at small presses and agents • a sense of community and belonging • ideas of where to go next with your manuscript • a firm understanding of the way in which the pursuit of publishing work