Logging In

You’ll need to log in to your member dashboard to take advantage of all our resources and benefits. You most likely created an online account when you first applied, but if you didn’t, or if you’ve forgotten your username and password, you can click here to get help logging in.

Educational Resources

All of our articles, webinars, and audio recordings can be found in our resource library, which you can filter by topic, event series and more.

We’ve also collected the resources specifically referenced in your welcome guide below for your convenience.

Video and audio recordings are marked as such.

Learning the Business

Submitting Your Writing

Securing an Agent

Knowing Your Contracts

If you have a contract you would like reviewed or another legal query, please click here to submit a legal request.


Understanding Copyright

Protecting Yourself from Libel

Managing Your Finances

Gearing Up for Marketing and Publicity

Designing Your Author Brand

Establishing an Online Presence

To get started building a website with our Sitebuilder platform, log in to your member dashboard and click “Create a Website.”

Marketing Your Book

Promoting with Social Media

Building a Supportive Community

Attending In-Person Panels & Workshops