The following FAQs address a variety of common questions about the Authors Guild’s new Human Authored certification program. Whether you’re considering certification for your work or looking to understand better how the program operates, you’ll find answers to help navigate the certification process.

1. What is the process for obtaining a Human Authored certification?

    Every author must be verified before registering any book for certification. Authors Guild members are pre-verified, but when we open the certification to others, they will have to verify their identities through a third-party verification service to set up an account.

    Once they’ve verified their identity and created an account, an author can register their books for certification on a title-by-title basis. They must sign the license agreement for each title, and the author represents and warrants that the book is Human Authored—meaning all but a de minimis portion of the text was written by a person and not by AI. Once they’ve provided the required information for the book and signed the license agreement, the author is issued a downloadable version of the Human Authored certification logo bearing a unique registration number for the title. The registration number can be verified up in a publicly accessible database.

    2. Can I use the mark without the registration number?

    No. The registration number is important for enforcement, and if there is no registration number the assumption will be that it is unauthorized use. We maintain a database of all registration numbers which anyone can use to look up a certification.

    3. Can I just say “Human Authored” on the copyright page of my book with the registration number but without the logo?

    The logo is the protected mark for enforcement purposes as it cannot be used without a license. We will soon make available a small, font-sized version of the logo that will precede the words Human Authored for licensees to use in text, such as on a copyright page.

    4. Where do I place the mark?

    If you have a publisher, then you will need to discuss placement and use of the mark with them as most publishing contracts give publishers control of cover design. If you are an indie author, you may use the mark wherever you think is most appropriate. We recommend putting the mark on the front or back cover, but it can also be placed inside the book, such as on the copyright page, or on the spine, provided it meets the usage guidelines.

    You may also use the mark in connection with marketing a registered book, provided it is clear that the mark only applies to the registered title (and not other titles or a publisher or author generally).

    5. Can I print the mark or make a sticker and place it on the cover myself?

    Yes, you can. We are working on making this option more convenient. We understand that authors may wish to place the mark on books they sell at readings, etc.

    6. What are the size and format requirements for displaying the certification mark?

    The guidelines for sizing and appearance of the certification mark can be found here.

    7. What are the current and future costs associated with certification?

    Authors Guild members currently receive certification at no cost, but a modest fee structure may be implemented in the future to support the program’s sustainability and enforcement efforts. Non-members will be charged a small (e.g., $10/title) fee. Depending on enforcement costs, these fees may go up over time, but once a certification is obtained, it does not need to be registered again.

    8. Will the certification program expand beyond book-length works?

    Yes, there are plans to extend certification to other forms of written material in the future.

    9. How will the Authors Guild prevent misuse of the certification mark?

    If someone uses the certification mark without obtaining a license, it is trademark infringement. Likewise, if someone executes a license and uses the mark for a work for which text was AI-generated, it is a breach of the license, infringement, and fraudulent representation to the consumer. In either case, the Authors Guild will take appropriate enforcement action upon discovering any such uses, whether through monitoring or community reporting.

    10. Will you vet the books before issuing the mark? If not, what is to prevent scammers from using the mark?

      We have implemented a self-certification system with enforcement against those who misuse our mark, as is typical, and have certain measures in place to prevent use by scammers, such as limits on the number of new titles that can be registered in a year (exceptions will be made with express permission), the issuance of a unique registration number for each title, and a fee for use by non-members. We will also ask authors and readers to report any instances of misuse that they encounter. The unique registration number can be searched in our database. That will help against scammers and others who use the mark without a license.

      11. What happens if an author substantially revises a previously certified work?

        Authors should notify the certification program of significant revisions to ensure continued compliance with the Human Authored criteria. The certification remains valid if the core text maintains its Human Authored status.

        12. How does the certification process handle collaborative works or works with multiple contributors?

          The initial release of the certification to members is designed only for single-author works, but we are working to expand that. We expect that the online process will accommodate multi-author works and collaborative projects by June 2025.

          13. How do I know if I am properly implementing the certification mark?

            We have provided detailed guidelines, visual examples, and technical specifications to help authors correctly implement the certification mark across various formats and platforms.

            14. Does the mark cover multiple formats and editions of a book?

              Yes. Marks are issued per title and may be used for multiple editions and formats of a single title. We ask for an ISBN or ASIN number (though it is not required) for identification purposes of the title only and can accept any ISBN or ASIN number that identifies the work. A single certification applies to any format (hardcover, paperback, ebook) of the same work, regardless of there being different ISBNs. A new certification and registration number should be obtained for new editions that have added or revised text, however.

              15. How does the certification work for existing published works versus upcoming releases and other unpublished work?

                The certification program is available for both previously published works and recent or upcoming releases. There is no time limitation on when a book was published, though authors may find it most relevant for works published in recent years since AI concerns became more prominent. Authors may certify unpublished as well as published work.

                16. How does the use of AI-powered editing tools affect certification eligibility?

                  The use of common AI-powered editing and writing assistance tools (such as grammar checkers and editing software) does not disqualify a work from certification. The requirement for the license is that no more than a de minimis amount of text may be generated or modified by AI, and any editorial modifications as a result of grammar or spelling AI tools will be considered de minimis. The use of AI to edit a manuscript may or may not result in a de minimis or less amount of AI generated text. A good rule of thumb is to ask whether a human editor making the same changes would have a claim to copyright/co-authorship absent a contract (ignoring the cases we have all heard of where editors at publishing houses substantially rewrote books without claiming the copyright or credit due them). In cases of significant editing by AI, you may want to consult a copyright attorney. The Authors Guild’s legal staff cannot review entire manuscripts for AI use and copyrightability, but can refer you to experienced attorneys who can do so.

                  17. Can I use AI for outlining and brainstorming and still be able to use the mark?

                    Yes, as long as the AI use is preparatory and no more than a de minimis amount of actual AI-generated text appears in your work.

                    18. Are emerging writers eligible for certification?

                      Yes, emerging writers who are Authors Guild members, including those in the querying or pre-publication phase, may certify their works.

                      19. What happens to certification if a book’s publishing status changes?

                        If a book’s publishing status changes (e.g., rights reversion, new publisher, new ISBN), the certification remains valid for the work itself. Authors should notify the program of such changes to maintain accurate records at

                        20. Will the certification system be updated from time to time to address new AI developments?

                        We will regularly review the certification criteria and guidelines to ensure they remain relevant as AI technology evolves, with updates implemented as needed to maintain the program’s integrity.

                        21. Are there plans for automated or API-based integration with library systems and catalogs?

                        The Authors Guild is exploring opportunities for technical integration with library discovery systems and catalogs to facilitate automated display of certification status.