Industry & Advocacy News
May 26, 2010
May 26, 2010. We thought it would be appropriate to salute Roy Blount Jr., our recent president, with a button at BEA. So we took a sentence from Roy’s last column for the Bulletin and made a button out of it. Actually, we made four buttons — orange, red, green, and blue. If you’re coming to the show, stop by our booth anytime after noon (perhaps when you drop in for a hot dog and a beer with Scott Turow at 12:15) and we’ll have the buttons available. There’s a limited supply, naturally. We’re at Booth #4769.
If you’re not coming to BEA and would like a button, drop a self-addressed stamped envelope in the mail and we’ll get one to you.
The button’s reproduced below, but in case it’s hard to read, it says:
The price of preventing authors from being screwed by new forms of publication is eternal vigilance.
-Roy Blount Jr.
(For those of you looking for this in the Bulletin, it’s right after Roy discusses Apple’s iPad and shortly before he quotes Chico Marx.)