Industry & Advocacy News
February 11, 2011
February 11, 2011. Authors, publishers and Google have filed a stipulation asking the Court to extend the deadline for filing claims to receive an upfront payment, — a “Cash Payment” — in the Google Book Search settlement. The current deadline under the settlement, which is being reviewed by the court, is March 31, 2011. If the extension is granted, authors and publishers will have until one year after the Court approves the settlement to make a claim for a Cash Payment. Under the settlement, only those rightsholders whose works were scanned by Google on or before May 5, 2009, are entitled to claim a Cash Payment. Payment for the unauthorized digitization of entire works will be at least $60. (This payment is separate from the settlement’s revenue-sharing arrangements, which provide — among other things — that authors controlling the rights to out-of-print works covered by the settlement are entitled to most of the revenues for uses of their works.) If you are not claiming a Cash Payment, you may file at any time. Follow the filing instructions here: Google Book Search Claims We’ll inform you of other developments in our lawsuit against Google as soon as we can.