Event Recording
December 12, 2023
For authors who want to write what the market demands, it’s important to make strategic decisions about what project to pursue next. Sandra Proudman, literary associate at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency, will present a workshop on how to strategically think about agent and editor manuscript wish lists and how to track and gather information from social media and other available resources. We’ll also discuss what projects are available for authors and illustrators to pursue simultaneously to maximize your chances for publication.
Moderated by Sarah Khalil, literary agent and editorial manager, Calligraph Literary.
Special thanks to the Association of American Literary Agents and to Literary Agents of Change for collaborating with the Authors Guild Foundation on this series.
Sandra Proudman (she/her/ella) is a literary associate at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency who represents authors and illustrators across all age groups. She is also the editor of the YA anthology, Relit: 16 Latinx Remixes of Classic Stories, out February 6, 2024 from Inkyard Press; a contributor in the YA horror anthology, This House Is Haunted, out spring 2024 from Page Street Kids; and the author of the YA fantasy, Salvación, out winter 2025 from Wednesday Books. When not busily immersed in all things publishing, you can find her spending time with her amazing husband and adorable toddler, catching up on all her shows, and taking care of her vegetable garden. Connect with her on social media @SandraProudman.
Association of American Literary Agents (AALA)
Since its founding in 1991, the Association of American Literary Agents has been a leading force in furthering the interests of agents, authors and other rights holders. Through regular educational programming, community-building initiatives, and advocating for agents and authors alike, the volunteer-run organization is dedicated to helping our members maintain and broaden their professional skills in a fast-changing publishing environment. Recognizing the historically exclusive nature of publishing, the AALA is committed to engendering a more diverse, equitable, participatory, and inclusive publishing community. Members of the AALA must agree to adhere to its widely-respected Canon of Ethics, thus ensuring that our membership maintains the highest standards of ethics and integrity in dealings with and on behalf of our clients and our publishing colleagues.
Literary Agents of Change
Literary Agents of Change, the nonprofit born out of American Association of Literary Agents’ (AALA) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, was formed to help dismantle the barriers to entry into a career as a literary agent for members of historically underrepresented groups, particularly people of color while recognizing the systems of overlapping oppressions in regard to race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, class, and ability. Literary Agents of Change offers a Fellowship Program to encourage recruitment into the profession, and a Mentorship Program focused on the retention and promotion of agents from these communities.
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