Authors Guild Launchpad provides a variety of resources to help our members with book marketing and publicity. Members of the Authors Guild enjoy full access to a hub of information to help build your platform, expand your audience, and secure more events and media coverage for you and your book.
Watch out for invites to members-only Launchpad virtual events, and browse our Launchpad resources at your own pace. You’ll find recordings of webinars with industry experts, a workbook to help you map out your promotional efforts, a collection of recommended reading and service providers, and more.
Launchpad webinars include series aimed at adult literature, children’s literature, and self-published works. Additional Authors Guild resources that address book promotion are rounded up at the end of this page.
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Get Started: Book Publicity Overview
Begin with our Overview of Book Publicity for a brief yet thorough primer. This article addresses current practices, the difference between marketing and publicity, and what actions authors can take. After reading, you will have a clearer understanding of which areas you want to dive into further.
Read Overview of Book Publicity →
Book Marketing & Publicity Checklist
Our downloadable Book Marketing & Publicity Checklist is more of a workbook to explore various avenues of book promotion, rather than a true “checklist.” The best course of action depends on you, your book, the market conditions at the time of your book’s release, and many other factors.
Helpful Links
Our collection of Book Marketing & Publicity Resources rounds up dozens of articles, podcasts, newsletters, and much more on a wide range of topics.
Recorded Webinars
Launchpad webinars have covered the basics of marketing and publicity, including what authors can do themselves, how publishers’ marketing and publicity departments operate, how to get media coverage, and planning launch parties and book events.
The first series focuses on books for adults, and the second series focuses on books for kids.
Launchpad Webinars: Adult Literature

Diving into Book Publicity
A detailed overview of book publicity: what publishers’ in-house teams do, what freelancer publicists do, and what authors can do themselves.

Preparing for Publication Day
Authors of recent books reveal what worked well, what did not, and what they recommend authors do to best position themselves for a successful launch these days.

Pitching Pieces: Essays, Op-Eds, Book Lists
Editors provide advice for conceptualizing and pitching “off the book page” coverage in literary and general-interest media outlets.

On the Road and At Home: The Role of Events
Advice for planning, securing, and preparing for launch events, book tours, and festivals.
Launchpad Webinars: Self-Publishing

Platform Building for Self-Publishing Authors
Actionable advice for indie authors about websites, social media, and newsletters to grow and connect with your audience.

Marketing and Promoting Self-Published Books
Tips for indie book marketing with paid ads, free ebooks, giveaways, featured deals, and galleys (ARCs).
Launchpad Webinars: Children’s Literature

Publicity for Children’s Books
A detailed overview of book publicity for kid lit: what publishers’ in-house teams do and what authors should know about publicity campaigns, reaching reviewers, and the festival circuit.

Getting Reviews for Young Adult Books
An explainer on how mainstream review outlets and bloggers select YA books to review, and how authors can improve their chances of coverage.

Getting Reviews for Middle Grade Books
An explainer on how mainstream review outlets and bloggers select MG books to review, and how authors can improve their chances of coverage.

Getting Reviews for Picture Books
An explainer on how mainstream review outlets and bloggers select picture books and chapter books to review, and how authors can improve their chances of coverage.

Kid Lit Coverage: Essays, Op-Eds, and Q&As
Editors provide advice for conceptualizing and pitching “off the book page” coverage in media outlets, plus creaive ideas from the panelists who are also authors themselves.

Working with Freelance Publicists for Children’s Books
Demystifying the process and expectations for kid lit authors who hire an independent publicist.

At Home & On the Road: The Role of Events & School Visits
A discussion of the many forms kid lit book tours can take, including school visits that are arranged through bookstores with a guaranteed book buy rather than a speaking fee.

School & Library Marketing: What Authors Should Know
Behind-the-scenes info about how publishers market books to school and library buyers and what it takes to appeal to this market.
The Digital Age Author, a Six-Part Series with Jane Friedman
For further ideas on book promotion, Authors Guild members can review this informative six-part series that was produced in 2017.
Free Resources from the Authors Guild Foundation
Below are additional webinars and articles about marketing, publicity, and book promotion. Recordings of events put on by the Authors Guild Foundation are freely available to the public.
Best Practices in Marketing, Promotion, and Reader Engagement |
Amazon Ads for Traditionally Published Authors |
Marketing for Indie Authors |
Me, Myself, and ROI: Doing Your Own Marketing |
Social Media & Newsletters
Social Media for Authors: How to Make It Worth Your Time |
Reaching Influencers with a Marketing Partner |
Newsletters: Building a Community You Can Own |
Article: The Dos and Don’ts of Self-Promotion |
Events & Touring
Case Studies: From Manuscript to Marketplace
From Manuscript to Marketplace offers candid talks between an author and members of their publishing team about each step of the publication process: acquisition, editorial, marketing, and more.